Qinlin He

Undergraduate Student
School of Cyber Engineering
Xidian University

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$ whoami

Greetings, I am Qinlin He(何沁霖 in Chinese, known as Qinlin He or Kylin He in English).

I am currently enrolled in the Graduate Academic Preparation Program (GAPP) at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Meanwhile, I am on track to earn my Bachelor of Engineering degree in Cyber Security from Xidian University, China, in July 2024.

Motto: We Do What We Must, Because We Can.


University of California, Santa Barbara (2023.09 - 2024.07)
Graduate Academic Preparation Program
Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Xidian University (2020.09 - 2024.07)
B.Eng. Cyber Security Experimental Class program
Xi'an, China

Research Interests

  • Trustworthy AI, I am interested in improving the robustness, explainability, and privacy of DNNs.
  • Computer Vision, like Deepfake detection, multi-modal, and other applications in CV with DNNs.


[Under Review]
  • GazeForensics: DeepFake Detection via Gaze-guided Spatial Inconsistency Learning
    Authors: Qinlin He, Chunlei Peng, Dechuang Liu, Nannan Wang, Xinbo Gao
    [Preprint] [Code]
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